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The Wedding Ring

, Posted by Rings & Diamond at 9:28 AM

The ring as a circular object, it has been since ancient symbol of unity and eternity. Has no beginning or end, has no corners or edges to form and share the Sun and other stars, which has given some very positive connotations. So they are two very powerful symbols that come together to shape the wedding ring, sealing the covenant marriage covenants.

In ancient times, when life was harder and shorter life expectancy, the husband held a ritual to ensure that the spirits of their women do not leave too soon. Tied ankles and wrists of women with ropes of grass with the aim of maintaining the spirit inside the body.

Over the years and the evolution of religious beliefs, the ropes were tied only to move a finger through the ring, which had all the symbolism mentioned above.

Roman used to deliver their boyfriends sponsalitius the annulus during the second century becomes gold as a more durable metal. So I had assumed that the union would be more permanent.

Such symbolism was slow to be accepted and incorporated into religious ritual of the Church, which occurred during the century V. The custom was widespread from the time between the Germanic peoples, and became a legislated their use among the Visigoths and Lombards.

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